Flicker Street Studio started with my desire for a place that would provide a creative community for practicing artists and individuals who want to explore the visual arts. Because of this inkling, I asked some professional artists in Memphis if they wanted to teach classes, and the answer was a resounding “yes!”

With the joy of a child opening a lemonade stand, I founded Flicker Street Studio in 2010. Our initial curriculum focused on the fundamentals of drawing, painting, sculpture and mixed media but quickly grew because our students are a diverse group with a wide array of interests. We added drawing with embroidery, digital photography, figurative abstraction, color theory, bookmaking, professional practices and a critique class to the mix.

The community’s incredible enthusiasm and support for the studio has been humbling. Our teachers are more imaginative and engaged, and our students continue to surprise us with their willingness to explore and master new topics and materials. All ages and levels of experience are walking through our door to explore the visual arts and with this kind of creative curiosity, I feel confident that the studio will continue to evolve and grow. My wish was for Flicker Street Studio to be an innovative, creative place, and our extraordinary teachers and fearless students are making the studio an inspired reality. - Nancy Cheairs